# Self-development

# Food

# Sport

# Habit handling

You can set your goals, but it is more beneficial to set your habits

Here is what I mean

Instead of setting a goal like "I want to loose 10 kg till the end of the year", you should set a habit "I want to visit gym at least three times a week"

Goals can be disappointing if you are not able to reach them. There are factors that are not in your power to change

Goals require self-control and willpower which are periodically exhausted

# Learning skills

It is necessary to stay up to date in IT. New algorithms and approaches are constantly being developed, so easy to fall behind

Lifelong learning is essential

# Reflection

You should be able to analyze and improve your behaviour. Even bad experiences can be beneficial

Here are some links to check out:

# Individual brand

You can do cool things, but if nobody knows about you, what is the point?

# Open Source

You can contribute to Open Source projects

Check out this (opens new window) link to get started

# Conferences and Hackathons

You can visit conferences and other IT-related events

# Competitions

You can participate in hackathons and competitions:

# CV

If you want to be hired, CV is the first thing you need to have

Refresh your Resume (opens new window) and check out this (opens new window) link

# Social Media Profiles

You can write your blog, create a Telegram channel or post on Twitter

Last Updated: 5/15/2021, 1:24:30 PM