# Clean Code


It is not enough for code to work © Robert C. Martin

# Buzzwords

Git Gitflow OOP SOLID Documentation Knowledge Base Code refactoring Technical Debt

# Version Control Systems

Why should you use a VCS? Here is why:

├─ program.py
├─ program_backup.py
├─ program_backup_1.py
├─ program_backup_2.py
├─ program_old.py
├─ program_final.py
├─ program_final_v2.py
└─ program_with_feature.py

Git is the most widely used VCS, but you should be aware of CVS, SVN and Mercurial

GitHub (opens new window), GitLab (opens new window) and Bitbucket (opens new window) can help you with hosting you repositories with code. This comes in handy when you're working in a team and need to share a codebase. One of the most common practices when working with Git is called Gitflow

# Code style

  • Should I use two or four spaces, or tab is better?
  • Should I not exceed 80 symbols per line?
  • Should I use multiline comments for documentation?

The answer is simple: "You should do the same your team does"

In case you need to select a code style for your team, here (opens new window) you can find Google code style guides

# Books

# Website

# Articles

Last Updated: 1/17/2021, 11:58:17 AM