# Programming Languages


A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming is not worth knowing © Alan Perlis

# Buzzwords


# Python

The core of fast prototyping, Machine Learning, Backend development and other cool things

Easy to get started: no types, no braces, no need to compile

Python has many great data science related libraries: Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Tensorflow, Pytorch, OpenCV

Python can be used for API creation: Django, FastAPI, Flask


Very convenient for research. Optimization Toolbox, Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox, Robotics Toolbox and other packages are waiting for you

# C++

Your choice when you need to have something performing blazing-fast

C++ has rich Standard Template Library (STL). Basically, it is efficient implementation of common data structures and algorithms. Check out algorithms and data structures it's good to know

Specific C++ topics are listed here

# C

Want to rule hardware? C is the right choice for you. Motor drivers, microcontrollers

You will have to master memory management. So, pointers and malloc should become your friends

If you want to use the power of GPU's parallel computation, you can go with CUDA

# Books

# Articles

Last Updated: 9/18/2022, 7:16:10 PM