# C++

# Core concepts

# Move semantics

  • Value categories: lvalue, rvalue(xvalue, prvalue)
  • Move constructor and move assignment operator
  • Rule of 0, 3, 5
  • Templates and rvalue: universal references, reference collapsing, perfect forwarding

# Memory

  • Automatic storage duration aka Stack
  • Dynamic storage duration aka Heap
  • Static storage duration aka Global memory
  • Thread-local storage duration
  • Structs: Bitfields in structs, alignment
  • Empty-base optimization
  • Allocators and system Allocators
  • Pointers and references
  • Object views
  • Data ownership and RAII

# Types

  • Primitive Types
  • Enum and Enum classes
  • Structs
  • Classes
  • Templates
  • Template deduction
  • Template specialization
  • Type traits and policies
  • Concepts
  • Complete and incomplete types

# Virtual

  • Polymorphism
  • Inheritance
  • Virtual functions
  • Virtual destructors
  • vtable
  • RTTI

# Compilation

  • Preprocessor
  • Compiler
  • Linker
  • Header/Cpp division
  • One Definition Rule
  • Forward declaration
  • Inline functions
  • Macros: include, header guards
  • Namespaces
  • Modules
  • Libraries vs executables
  • Static and dynamic libraries
  • Link time optimization
  • Compiler types
  • Compiler attributes
  • AST matchers
  • Sanitizers


  • Iterators and invalidation
  • Containers: vector, deque, list, map, unordered_map, set
  • Adaptors: stack, queue, priority queue
  • Algorithms
  • Chrono
  • Erase-remove idiom

# Metaprogramming

  • Advanced macros
  • Recursive template instantiation
  • Constexpr expressions
  • Constexpr if
  • Variadic arguments
  • Compile time closure

# Multithreading

  • Condition Variable
  • Mutex
  • Lock guards
  • Semaphores
  • Threads
  • Thread pool
  • Asynchronous programming
  • Coroutine
  • Data races
  • Atomics
  • Compare and Swap

# Other

  • Type casting
  • Complex declarations
  • Operator overloading
  • Project Structure
  • Lambda functions: Capture, lambdas with templates, specifiers, recursion in lambdas, compile time lambdas, IILE, lambdas as default template argument
  • Exceptions: stack unwinding, catch order, noexcept, std::expected or absl::StatusOr
  • Class member initialization order and initialization lists
  • Copy elision: (N)RVO
  • Structured bindings
  • Template method
  • Singleton
  • Command method
  • Factory and Abstract Factory
  • Curiously Recurring Template Pattern
  • Type Erasure

# Tools

# Build systems

Big projects contain a lot of files.

In addition, we may want to have different build options:

  • debug
  • production
  • production with debug

Build systems come to rescue you.

# Make

# Ninja

# CMake

# Bazel

# Package Managers

Open Source is rolling

# System installation

# Git

# CMake

# Conan

# Vcpkg

# Build2

# Libraries

# Useful tools

Cpp insights (opens new window) Google C++ Style Guide (opens new window)

CMake examples (opens new window) Ninja main page (opens new window) Awesome CMake (opens new window)

# Books

# Articles

# Tools

Last Updated: 9/18/2022, 7:16:10 PM