# Linear Algebra


Nothing pleases a mathematician so much as having a bunch of numbers in brackets

# Buzzwords

Dot product Cross product Subspace Linear independence Nullspace Column space SVD PCA Gram-Schmidt RREF

# Matrices and their properties

You should know how to manipulate em

# Analytical geometry

If your drawing skills leave much to be desired, analytical geometry will help with defining lines and planes analytically

# Matrix subspaces

Any matrix can be treated as a transformation from one space to another. Knowledge of the properties of four fundamental matrix subspaces might come in handy

# Special Matrices and Factorization

Sometimes it might be beneficial to represent a matrix as a product of several matrices. This can help to speed-up computation, and to uncover hidden structure

Here are some cool matrices:

  • Identity matrix
  • Diagonal matrices
  • Triangular matrices
  • Symmetric matrices
  • Skew-symmetric matrices
  • Orthogonal matrices
  • Rotation matrices

# Change of basis

Sometimes it is necessary to have a different perspective on things. Change of basis can help to find out where

# Applications

  • Computer Vision
  • Navigation

# Projections

Projections are like shadows

# Applications

  • Computer Vision
  • Optimization

# Eigendecomposition SVD and PCA

Methods to extract the most important information

# Applications

  • Pseudoinverse
  • Least squares optimization
  • Data compression
  • Signal processing
  • Recommendation systems
  • Face recognition

# Cholesky factorization

The method to speedup numerical calculations and equations solving

# Applications

  • Matrix inversion
  • Equation solving
  • Newton's method for non-linear optimization
  • Kalman filters
  • Monte-Carlo simulations

# Books

# Courses

# Videos

Last Updated: 1/17/2021, 10:55:57 AM